Thursday, 30 August 2012

My Favourite Blogs

This is the start of a new series of posts that discusses my favourite infertility blogs that I follow. Some of them have had success in becoming pregnant recently and I will warn in this in my posts. For me though I love it when they are finally able to announce that they are pregnant – it gives me such hope that I will be able to be successful one day too. Some days I feel like a bit of a fraud having an infertility blog when we have only officially tried for one month and I didn’t even ovulate but I’m putting that aside. There is so little detailed information about people’s journeys with PCOS out there – just a lot of generalised statements about how it’s not that bad and I’ll get pregnant eventually.

So in this vein the first blog I am going to list as a favourite is that of fellow PCOS sufferer Aly (or Jaguar if you know her through her Weddingbee fame) – Breathe Gently. I love this blog because it was the first one that I began to follow. I really connect with her as Aly is so honest and open, yet has remained hopeful and really fought against her infertility and a lot of odds stacked up against her. She has recently had success through her 2nd IVF cycle and I wish her and J all the success in the world with their pregnancy.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

RE Visit

I have totally had the best start to the blogging universe – total MIA moment! My bad!
To make up for it I have an update. Turns out the RE had a cancellation and we were able to get in a month earlier than planned which is really good considering what she said.

Basically yes I have PCOS, I have to do a whole bunch of tests for her – which is actually great, the more information we have the better! And we are not allowed to try until the New Year at the very earliest. Long story short – I’m too fat! Even if I did ovulate, which is not happening at the moment – thank you VERY much PCOS!!, I am so overweight that she doesn’t hold out hope that I’d be able to carry to term without complication.
This sent me into a little meltdown. Despite the fact that I have lost the “recommended” 5-10% of my body weight to try and resume ovulation with PCOS it’s not enough and I still have to wait before I can get any help.

Despite how bitter I may sound I get it – and hopefully in the long run I will appreciate it when I have a beautiful, healthy baby in my arms – fingers crossed xox
THE PLAN: lose as much weight as I can before January – would LOVE to be under 200 pounds, currently 234 – and try to get hubby to refrain from the NTNT moments that he has had in the past week – I didn’t try and stop him mind you – so that I don’t get in trouble J

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Why an infertility blog?

Growing up and seeing my life ahead of me I only ever had one goal that I knew wouldn’t change – I wanted to get married and have babies. I knew deep down that my one desire in life, despite having other goals, was to find a man who would love me for who I was and who would make me a mummy. Well, despite all my teenage angst, I found my man and have recently married the love of my life and couldn’t be happier…except for one thing…turns out I have this little thing called PCOS and baby making, especially with wonky or non-existent  cycles isn’t as easy as it is for everyone else.

I decided to start this blog to help me through this and even if it helps no one else, or even just one other person the way that I have been affected by other peoples’ stories and blogs than it will be worth my while.

Check out my TTC timeline here
More to come…