Tuesday, 9 October 2012

As if PCOS was not enough...

So apparently having PCOS is not enough! The same blood test that I was ever so happy about in my last post had a sinister side to it. My RE called this evening and apparently I also have an over active thyroid. I have been checked for this a thousand times because it runs in my family. However I really did get a shock today because it has never come up as an issue and I had kind of become used to the idea that it never would.

I have been working and working on trying to deal with the PCOS and now I just feel like another spanner has been chucked in the works! I mean what else am I going to have to deal with?!! My RE has told me that there is no way that I should be thinking about conceiving right now and that just breaks my heart in two. I feel like I am up one minute and down the next.

All I can hope now is that my glucose test on Thursday does not come back positive for type 2 diabetes because that would be just the icing on the cake.

Sorry for the downer post - I was really aiming to become a lot more positive.


  1. I am so sorry for all of this. Sometimes, I'm like isn't it enough we struggle with infertility...now this stuff has to be thrown in the mix? Sending you a big big hug!

    1. Thank you - I am just feeling so overwhelmed by it all -I have no idea when we are even going to be able to give trying for a baby a good go at this rate. Who knows how long getting me healthy os going to take.

  2. Sorry to hear the double whammy. Big hugs. x
