Monday, 8 October 2012

Hormonal Imbalance

There are two main factors when it comes to managing my PCOS - insulin resistance and an excess in androgens (male sex hormones). The weight loss journey that I am trying to undertake is focused upon both of these things however it is the excess in androgens that I am excited about today.

On Friday I went back to my GP just to have a chat about where I am after my RE visit and to see if she had the results from a blood test that I took earlier in the week. What I was looking for in the blood test results was to see if there was any change in these hormones. In people who do not have PCOS the ovaries make a small amount of male sex hormones but in PCOS, they start making slightly more androgens. This means that people who have PCOS can stop ovulating and grow excess body and facial hair - lucky me! The good news for me was that my levels have dropped 28% since July and 50% since January - my GP nearly high fived me. What I found interesting was the big drop since July considering I lost more weight between January and July than I have since then. I'd imagine that it was my body getting used to this fact but the only other thing that I have changed is the introduction of Myoinositol - maybe it is working...

As I left she was really positive and said that I would be pregnant in no time - the positivity is great but I still have 60 pounds to lose before I am out of the obese weight range on the BMI scale. I just have to keep going.

In this vein I have started using the MyFitnessPal: ap on my phone to track what I have been eating. I truly didn't think it was that bad and I just needed to exercise more and get out of the I am too tired, lazy and busy funk that I am in a lot of the time. Turns out I really am eating way too many calories for weight loss to be much of an option. I have begun to look back into low gi eating - I always hated the idea because I didn't like the taste of a lot of the food. However, I was reading some womens' journeys with PCOS on Keiko Zoll's blog: and found a link to a woman who has used the South Beach Diet to lose weight. Now i'm not planning on going on any form of diet - I believe what I am doing has to be a lifestyle change and fit into my day to day life and still leave room for things that happen like birthdays, holidays, weekends away e.t.c and I refuse to feel any sort of guilt during these days. However, the plus of the south beach diet is that there seems to be a lot of low gi options so i'm going to try a few of the recepies from Kalyn's Kitchen: and see how I go with trying to incorporate more of this type of food into my life.

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