TTC Timeline

June/July 2009:  Diagnoed with PCOS after gaining approx. 45 pounds in 2 years
                           Put on Metformin 2000mg

October 2009: Went off Metformin and onto Duromine due to the infamous side effects

January 2010 - October 2011: Not a big fan of Duromine either and went back to Metformin but only took it VERY sporadically. Joined several gyms and didn't stick to anything.

October 2011: Joined my current gym and got my evil old man personal trainer (who I love) in the lead up to my wedding. Lost 30 pounds by July 2012.

January 2012: Went to GP to discuss pregnancy in the near future. Sent for ultrasounds - PCOS confirmed with no reasonable doubt!

July 2012: First cycle TTC - BFN after no ovulation at all. GP provided referral to RE.

August 2012: RE appointment - several tests for both hubby & I, no trying until January 2013 at the earliest, lose as much weight as possible before then.

October 2012: Androgen levels checked - down 28% from July 2012, 50% from January 2012
Diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism - an over active throid

January 2013: Next RE appointment - goal to be under 200 pounds


  1. Sending you all the best on this journey! Will be sending you all the positive vibes in the world for your appointment in January and best of luck on the weight loss!!
