Friday, 21 September 2012

Baking & Babies and ICLW

This one is a yummy one that I LOVE to follow. The blog is about infertility (alleyrose has been recently diagnosed with PCOS after trying to conceive for 20 months - I love her tag line ‘if only making a baby was as easy as making a cupcake’), weight loss and the recipes she bakes to help her deal and I’m sure because they are super yummy!.

Drop in and try some of them:
And...if you are here from ICLW welcome - I am enjoying exploring your blogs - must get onto commenting :-)


  1. Hello from ICLW! I love how you highlight other blogs. So awesome. I'm excited to follow along and be able to find more blogs through your site. Such a great idea.

    Happy Commenting!!

    ICLW #3

  2. Hi from ICLW. TTC is extremely hard - it seems like making babies shouldn't be THIS hard. I hope that you get your BFP really soon!

  3. I found your blog through ICLW, though I myself forgot to sign up this month. Infertility sucks. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1995, endometriosis in 2012. Life is never as easy as some make it out to look like.

  4. Thanks for that girls! Love the positive vibe! Really helps me through some days!

  5. Thanks for the tip on the blog! That one does look like a winner-and thanks for stopping by my blog! IF does suck, lets make it less sucky together :)

  6. Hi from ICLW!! I would love it if baby-making was as easy as making cupcakes :) Would be a sweet world!

  7. Hey! Thanks for the shout out! So glad you like reading along!

  8. Hey! Thanks for the shout out! I love that you enjoy reading along!
    I'm not doing ICLW this month, but I'm still following! Thanks again!

    1. Not a problem - I love your blog and really relate to your struggle. I really should comment more :-)

  9. I think we all wish making a baby was as easy as that. Instead it is more like a marathon...maybe one you are running with a broken leg. Haha. I'm not always that morbid sounding but it just sounded right! Wish you all the best.

  10. Hi from ICLW...I wish having a baby was as easy as anything but going through infertility!!!

  11. Thanks for commenting on my blog- I think that it is great that you highlight other bloggers. ICLW is a great way to find new people to follow too.

    Mmmm cupcakes.
