Thursday, 27 September 2012


There is another M word other than Metformin and Myoinositol when it comes to my struggle with PCOS and that is one that names a certain drive through fast food establishment with a clown as its mascot. Today I am proud to say that for one of the first times ever I avoided the temptation to take the convenient route on my way to work when I was running late. I have often displayed the temptation to use this establishment as my breakfast rendezvous point rather than think about a healthier option - today I did that. Go me! Is all I have to say :-)

Thank you so much for all of your messages regarding the birth of my nephew. He is the most wonderful little thing and my amazing sister only went through 5 hrs of labour after being induced with no tearing or anything! I am so very proud of her - she has handled everything so well!

I don't know if it is the hormones from meeting him or if it is the Myoinositol beginning to make a difference but I feel the beginnings of AF arriving. That would make this my first actual AF since April and the shortest in a long time! Hopefully she rears her ugly head because for one of the first times ever I am really looking forward to seeing her because that would mean that things are starting to work properly again!


  1. hello from ICLW! Nice to *meet* you via blogs. Great to get aunt flo, I know it sucks but always better to know what's going on I think... good luck to you guys

  2. One of the crazy things about IF txs....being excited for AF so we can get moving on in the process! Congrats on the healthy breakfast!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog for ICLW. It is crazy how we get so excited about AF coming so we "feel normal" or to get treatment started but we dread AF any other time! Good luck to you!
