Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Minor meltdown averted?

I’m in a much better place this week. Last week I had what can only be described as a meltdown. I wasn’t myself and I was barely functioning on a daily basis. Dealing with what feels like hundreds of people around me who are pregnant right now has been overwhelming. I have known for several years now that I would struggle to get pregnant but I think that there was always this tiny part of me that felt like it would happen anyway and that despite everything I would be a lucky one.

I think I am starting to feel better about this though and beginning to come to terms with it. I have found it quite easy to take the myo-inositol this week – I find it notoriously hard to take any form of supplement and was worried that this would be the case this time as well. Luckily it hasn’t.

Here’s to this new mind set lasting a while longer J
On another note...I am super excited because my sister is having her baby today!! Can't wait to meet him!


  1. I know how difficult this can be. I had a friend who started TTC last month and is pregnant this month....ooooo jealous! I am glad you are doing okay with it all and congrats on the new nephew!!

  2. Hi from ICLW (#38)! We are all allowed frequent meltdowns when surrounded by fertiles! Be kind to yourself, you're defo allowed to hurt. Good luck with the new nephew!

  3. Hi from ICLW! Thanks for visiting my blog. Stay strong and try to keep your chin up with everything. I know, way easier said than done!

  4. Thanks for the comment on my blog!

    I am glad you are feeling better! I find there are some weeks that are just rough...and if I'm gentle with myself I usually feel better soon after. Congratulations on your nephew!!
