Friday, 7 September 2012

When impatience strikes

While I am playing this waiting game until January I often feel like I am not doing enough (i am not the worlds most patient person). I am trying to lose weight and I am trying to remember to take my Metformin and other supplements daily. But despite this I feel like I need something more to get me through the next few months. It is REALLY hard to just wait and not even TRY to get pregnant.
Part of this issue is my relationship with Metformin. I understand why I am being told to take it and I have even seen success when I take it well when it comes to dropping the pounds but…I hate it. The side effects are not nice. Whenever I eat something slightly dodgy I will (sorry for the TMI) end up in the bathroom for extended periods. The problem is that I never know exactly what foods will do it to me if I eat them by accident and at work I really don’t want to deal with these side effects. Even walking through the supermarket after upping my dose one Sunday it was everything I could do not to vomit everywhere. The RE has recommended taking 250mg at breakfast, lunch and dinner (3 times daily) - and then upping this to 500mg 3 times per day for a total of 1500mg when I can handle it. I am trying to do this but every time I get close to upping it I forget to take it and need to start all over again.
Enter research on something I have seen talked about on various forums and blogs – Myoinositol. It does not seem to be readily available in Australia, and my GP had no idea what I was talking about when I asked her, but it does seem to be becoming the new M word in PCOS either to replace Metformin or to be taken with it. So, in the spirit of feeling like I am doing something proactive I have ordered some online and I am going to see how I react (I’ll discuss this with my doctors – don’t worry) – but if I can find something that helps me continue to lose weight and can possibly help me start ovulating and having a semi regular cycle then I’m all for giving it a go.
What do you think? Stupid idea or worth a try?


  1. I'm actually jumping the gun and am over here from the ICLW list. I was just poking around, checking out some of the blogs, planning to come back and comment later, but I just HAVE to comment on this post. I have PCOS but have never been prescribed metformin because of a GI disease. At my recent consult with a new RE, it was suggested that I give inositol a try. I've been on it for a month (a powder form, mixed with folic acid) and just got my period last Friday. This is my second natural period since May 2009 (granted there was a pregnancy[IUI+injects] and over a year of breastfeeding in there, but still). I don't know if it's the inositol or not, but I am hopeful that it might be... I went this morning for CD3 testing and am curious to see if my hormone levels have been affected at all...

  2. Thanks for jumping the gun :-)
    I think the RE is prescribing the metformin more for the weight loss/insulin resistance but doesn't want us to start trying because I am too overweight and thinks I am at risk for pregnancy complications. Mind you a friend of mine had GD and her endocronologist would say that GD is more about the placenta than weight - don't quote me on that at all though because I have done zero research on that side of things :-)

  3. Hi from ICLW! Wondering if you're taking Metformin ER (extended release)? I was on regular metformin and was in the bathroom often, but responded better to the ER. Also, my RE recommended Cinsulin (cinnamon supplement) to promote sugar metabolism. I never heard of Myoinositol...glad you'll talk to your RE about it. :)

  4. I haven't tried it but I am going to ask about it because I have gotten to the point where I am really anxious about taking it because I don't know when I am going to have a bad reaction. I have heard about cinnamon being good from my personal trainer. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. What is this new supplement? This is the second blog today to mention it? I also am on met, and know what you mean about making you feel like crap...literally.
